Board Member | Position | Phone | |
Jon Dengler | President | 813.451.0988 | |
Felicia Romano | Vice President | | |
Katelyn Bagtaz | Secretary | | |
Belinda Luu | Treasurer |
Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be Ybor Heights Neighborhood Association, hereinafter referred to in this document as “Ybor Heights NA”, a not-for-profit organization located in Tampa, Florida,
Section 2. Definition
Ybor Heights NA is defined as the area bounded by Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd to the north, 26th Ave to the south, I-275 to the west, and 15th Street to the east.
Section 3. Purpose
Ybor Heights NA desires to state its bylaws and continue to engage in activities exclusively for such purposes, including but not limited to the following:
- Civic, economic, educational, safety, cultural, recreational, and environmental conditions in the neighborhood and its adjacent areas.
- Inform its members of public issues impacting the neighborhood including, but not limited to, zoning, transportation, lighting, etc.
- Provide networking opportunities with other organizations for cooperation and information.
- Engage in civic activities, none of which is for profit.
Section 1. Membership Qualification
Membership shall be open to current residents, neighborhood business owners, non-profit groups, and other parties having immediate interest in the business of the Ybor Heights NA as defined in Article I, Section 2. Members are classified according to the definitions in Article II, Section 2. Voting rights are limited to dues paying (see Article III) members, at least 18 years of age, and according to the guidelines defined in Article II, Section 2.
Section 2. Membership Classifications
Membership is organized into two classifications: Voting and Non-Voting. All members must be at least 18 years of age. Membership renewal is January of each calendar year. Those that join for the first time after October will be granted membership for the following calendar year. Description of Membership classifications:
- Voting – Any resident (owner or tenant) or property owner who resides within Ybor Heights boundaries, or who owns a business within the Ybor Heights boundaries. A single household may contain multiple resident members. Current, dues-paying, resident members are entitled to one vote.
- Non-Voting – There shall be 3 categories of non-voting membership:
- a) Simple Non-voting: Anyone interested in promoting the purposes of Ybor Heights NA and who does or does not reside within the boundaries of the Ybor Heights NA neighborhood or adjacent neighborhoods.
- b) Honorary: An honorary membership may be conferred by the Executive Board upon members of the community that the organization wishes to recognize for exceptional or outstanding services. Honorary memberships are lifetime.
- c) Business: Business memberships are available to those businesses operating within the Ybor Heights neighborhood or adjacent neighborhoods. (Note: Individual Business Owners are eligible to be voting members per Article II, Section II, Part 1.
Section 1. Dues
Dues, while encouraged to support the growth and sustainability of the organization, are not mandatory for membership. Dues are as follows:
- Voting Member: $10 per year, per person.
- Simple Non-Voting: $10 per year, per person.
- Honorary (Non-Voting): Lifetime, free membership
- Business (Non-Voting): $10 per year, per business
Section 1. General Meetings
Meetings shall be held the first calendar Tuesday of each month.
Section 2. Special Membership Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board at any time, and may or may not be open to the community/Association at large. For open meetings, notice shall be furnished to the general membership at least two days prior to the meeting.
Section 3. Annual Meeting
An annual meeting will be held at the last calendar meeting (December) to hold elections for the incoming Executive Board.
Section 4. Quorum
Those members present at any meeting constitute a quorum.
Section 5. Rules of Order
The following simple rules of order will guide the conduct of all meetings:
- The chairperson shall have the authority to establish rules governing discussion or debate.
- A member wishing to speak must be recognized by the chairperson and has 3 minutes to speak.A non-voting member or non-member wishing to speak, may do so at the end of discussion or after all voting members have spoken once. Non-members and non-voting members are allowed 3 minutes to speak.
- When given the floor, members must state their name and address; while speaking, a member must not be interrupted.
- A motion is first made, then seconded, then restated by the chairperson, who then opens the motion to discussion. No one may speak on an issue a second time until all those who wish to speak have spoken once.
- Robert’s Rules of Order: If a consensus cannot be reached regarding rules of conduct for a meeting, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order may be used to determine parliamentary procedure.
Section 1. Election of Officers
The officers of the Ybor Heights NA shall be elected at the annual meeting to serve office the following calendar year. The officers include President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers may be elected for successive terms.
Section 2. Board Vacancies
If any Executive Board vacancies or standing committee leaders occur for any reason, said vacancy shall be appointed by the remaining Executive Board for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 1. President
The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association. The President shall oversee the management and administration of the Association.
Section 2. Vice-President
If, at any time, the President shall be unable to act by reason of absence or otherwise, the VP shall act in place of the President to perform his/her duties and other specific assignments as required or needed. The VP shall also attend other relevant (adjacent) community meetings on behalf of the Association and Executive Board Members.
Section 3. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep an accurate record (minutes) of all meetings’ proceedings and maintain database of such minutes. The Secretary shall maintain current contact information on residents and members of the Association.
Section 4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall keep an accurate and current record of any dues collected, expenses, receipts, and banking relationships applicable to the Association. The Treasurer may make deposits and withdrawals for the association. The Treasurer shall present a financial report at the annual meeting.
Section 1. Committees
Standing Committees shall be created as necessary by the Executive Board. Any member may head a committee. All committees formed will work with an Executive Board liaison and keep the liaison informed of committee business. Committees requiring funds or generating income in accordance with the not-for-profit status shall work in cooperation and collaboration with the Executive Board.
Section 1. Amendments
The bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted by a majority of the Executive Board present at any general or special meeting. Bylaws will be made public via the association website or hard copy distributed at the General Meeting.
**This version of Ybor Heights NA bylaws was passed by the Executive Committee on June 10th 2012**